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Resume or CV?

Published on: Oct 29, 2018

cv whiteboard

Resumes do differ from CVs in a few key ways, but no matter which you choose, you will want to make a great impression. it’s your first chance to catch the attention of employers who are interested in learning more about you. For both, it’s important to convey the milestones in your education and experience in a simple and effective presentation.

A CV is often used for academic and teaching positions, so with a CV be sure to lead with your education. You don’t need long narrative explanations, but feel free to name drop any notable professors you worked with on research. Also, unlike a resume your CV can run for more than 3 pages, however you should still take care to be organized, clear, and concise in your presentation so the hospital recruiters can glean the most important details from your career with a quick review.  For more information on creating CVs check out the AMA’s Life & Career Resources.